However, entrepreneurs are often flummoxed about what to include in the pitch deck and what to leave out. Knowing what investors are actually looking for will help you get it right from the word go.
1. Problem: Investors want to know what exactly you propose to do at the outset itself. A definition of the exact problem and how the current solutions in the market fail to meet the need is what will make things real and relatable.
2. Solution: Once the problem is clear, investors will be eager about how you propose to solve it. You have to present your product or service as a unique or even superior solution that will distinctly convince them that this is the right answer.
3. Market opportunity: Just having the right solution is not enough. Investors have to be certain that there is a substantial market for the same. They want insight into the type of customer, the scope of the problem and the size of the target market. Using numbers to supplement the information will make the market potential more realistic.
4. Management: Investors will not be swayed by the most lucrative products and markets unless they are sure that the right team is heading the project. They want to know what you and your team brings to the table and what makes you the right driver for success.
5. Traction: Momentum is what will ultimately win over the investors. This can be numbers, revenue, deals, technological milestones or key hires – basically anything that will show that you are developing and accomplishing on the go.
Business plan consulting services such as will help ensure that your pitch deck carries the right value and substance that investors are looking for!
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