Thursday, 22 December 2016

You Talk, Plan Writers Will Listen!

Professional business plan consultants are definitely experienced and accomplished at crafting winning business plans. However, the consummate experts often feel that they can simply take the entrepreneur’s idea and present it in the finest way possible. They do work on it from scratch and build up a business plan that is packed with goals, strategies, financial models, market analysis and more.

However, the founders are still left with a vague sensation that the business plan does not represent what they really wanted. And the culprit is – the consultants merely run with the business idea and other basics without bothering to delve into what the entrepreneurs really want. It may sound interesting and impressive, but the soul is somehow lacking!

This is exactly why the team of Plan Writers - - comes as a breath of fresh air in the business plan consulting landscape. The consultants take the time to learn about the business and the unique needs of the client. They make it a point to listen to your goals, discuss the various options, identify the right opportunities and provide insightful advice if needed.

In sum, they function as a true partner as you work together to build a customized business plan that reflects your concept, your goals and the growth that you want. There is always scope for reviews and revision too.

No wonder then that Plan Writers’ plans always go on to achieve the goals and win the right investments! And yet the business plan writers cost remains reasonable and affordable even for startups.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

5 Things That Investors Look For In A Pitch Deck

A pitch deck forms the first step of the process of raising funds for a startup. This presentation aims to ignite interest in the investors and entice them to know more. In other words, it is akin to a very brief business plan.

However, entrepreneurs are often flummoxed about what to include in the pitch deck and what to leave out. Knowing what investors are actually looking for will help you get it right from the word go.

1. Problem: Investors want to know what exactly you propose to do at the outset itself. A definition of the exact problem and how the current solutions in the market fail to meet the need is what will make things real and relatable.

2. Solution: Once the problem is clear, investors will be eager about how you propose to solve it. You have to present your product or service as a unique or even superior solution that will distinctly convince them that this is the right answer.

3. Market opportunity: Just having the right solution is not enough. Investors have to be certain that there is a substantial market for the same. They want insight into the type of customer, the scope of the problem and the size of the target market. Using numbers to supplement the information will make the market potential more realistic.

4. Management: Investors will not be swayed by the most lucrative products and markets unless they are sure that the right team is heading the project. They want to know what you and your team brings to the table and what makes you the right driver for success.

5. Traction: Momentum is what will ultimately win over the investors. This can be numbers, revenue, deals, technological milestones or key hires – basically anything that will show that you are developing and accomplishing on the go.

Business plan consulting services such as will help ensure that your pitch deck carries the right value and substance that investors are looking for!

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Plan Writers - Been There, Done That

With varied business plan consultants clamoring for entrepreneurs’ attention and touting their services, why do startups still lean specifically towards Plan Writers? What is it that Plan Writers have and others don’t? What sets this team head and shoulders above the rest of the crowd?

Well, what works in the Plan Writers’ favor is that they have literally been there and done that! The team primarily consists of business experts who have done it themselves – as former entrepreneurs and investors they are further invested in enabling people succeed in their ventures.

Furthermore, their knowledge is not merely textbook. Moving beyond the academic theories, the Plan Writers possess hands-on experience in every tier of the startup business. They are familiar with all aspects of launching a business and making it grow. They know what challenges can crop up ahead and how to address them successfully.

To add to this, the investing expertise provides them valuable insight into what banks and financiers are really looking for in a business plan and what exactly will convince them about the future potential of the startup.

In other words, the Plan Writers can capture the essence of a business from all perspectives and prime it for success. They can present a persuasive business plan that will hit the right notes with the investors.

Contact for your business plan consulting needs and be carried along an incredible growth curve!

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Existing Businesses Need Business Plans Too!

I can never underestimate the value of a business plan! The Plan Writers’ business plan was what helped create a successful launch for my new business. The goal and metrics defined in the business plan helped keep the business on track and also enabled me to evaluate the success quotient down the line.

However, over the years the business plan got consigned to the lowest drawer of my desk and I never spared a thought for the same. I had casually assumed that once the business was up and running, there was no actual need for a business plan. The management was familiar with the objectives and I assumed that we were primed to drive the business towards growth.

Alas, it was only when things started going downhill that I woke up to my gross negligence. A thorough review made me realize the fact that the business needs to keep refining the priorities and strategies with an ongoing business plan!

Indeed, existing companies also require annual business plans to guide their growth and benchmark the progress accordingly. Studying the changing economic trends, market needs and business strengths/weaknesses will enable the business to proactively take advantage of emerging opportunities and also manage itself better. The plan can also be the key to assigning responsibilities, scheduling resources, allocating deadlines, defining budgets and managing the cash flow.

And who else will write my business plan but the efficient Plan Writers ( team!

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Plan Writers Never Shy Away From Revisions

Mr. Campbell had his business clearly mapped out in his mind. He knew his venture could qualify for a SBA business loan and the terms would be very favorable for him. He was aware that he needed a solid business plan that demonstrated the viability of his startup to the US Small Business Administration Agency.

He had even chalked out which business plan consultant to approach. The Plan Writers team suited his requirements on all counts and he was sure that the team would present lucid business strategies, accurate market data and compelling financial projections to support his case.

The Plan Writers team had face-to-face discovery sessions with Mr. Campbell and as expected, they chalked out a persuasive roadmap for his venture. The business plan managed to present a solid case for success, and yet Mr. Campbell was not completely satisfied with one or two points. He requested a revision and being an absolutely customer-centric service provider, Plan Writers readily agreed to a review and revision.

The team in fact met with Mr. Campbell to understand the snags he worried over and further modified the business plan accordingly. The revision was done entirely for free.

Needless to say, the final SBA business plan turned out to be a winning one and the federal agency just could not refuse to grant the cost-effective loan!

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

A Sound Business Plan Is Always Crucial

A business plan works on several levels! Articulating your mission on paper will keep you focused on what you have set out to achieve. It also brings clarity to how you propose to pull off the venture and attain your goals. You can clearly spell out your parameters for success and how you will manage to accomplish the same.

Then again, the coherent roadmap complete with projections, milestones, finances, management and other metrics establishes a tangible significance and merit for the business. This coupled with the perceived strengths, identified challenges, gaps, risks and also the planned strategies to overcome the same work to convince investors to provide backing for the startup.

And yet, the value of a business plan extends much beyond just startups. An established business will also face key junctures from time to time when communicating the vision and strategies becomes essential. This could be when you are considering an expansion or need funding and convincing cautious investors or stubborn banks is the only way out. A sound business plan can also clarify the goals and procedures to existing personnel and give a heads-up in successful employee recruitment.

Given the enormous significance of a business plan, it is no wonder that top-quality business plan consulting services such as the Plan Writers ( play a crucial role in the success of both startups and regular businesses! The skilled and experienced team excels at crafting out winning business plans that never fail to have the right impact.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Role of Market Analysis in Business Plans

One of the prime reasons why many business plans fail is lack of proper research!

Indeed, while most business plans contain sufficient information about the company mission, goals, structure, product/service strategies and even the financials, they often tend to neglect the current market scenarios and how the product/service will stand up to the competition.

It could be that the entrepreneurs or plan writers do not have the requisite data at hand or may just not deem it important. But fact of the matter is that the savvy investors and lenders want to know how well you understand the target market with regard to the customer demographics, needs, trends, competition, regulations and more.

And this is exactly why Plan Writers trumps at crafting winning business plans.
The company has access to a rich library of market research subscriptions complete with the most relevant and up-to-date market data. Armed with the valuable information, the writing team will be able to clearly lay out a detailed market analysis about the market volume, value, segments, buying patterns, product/service viability and more. The business planning consultant will also highlight competitor vulnerabilities even while pinpointing exactly why customers will actually clamor to buy the said product or service. All projections are also based on the current and valuable market data.

And once the investors are convinced that the entrepreneur deeply understands his market, the funds will not stop flowing!

Sunday, 24 July 2016

For Winning Investor Business Plans and More!

The savvy team of business consultants at the Plan Writers can adroitly craft winning business plans to meet every kind of need of the entrepreneurs. Both startups and existing businesses regularly tap the uncanny knack and specialist expertise of these professionals for teaser business plans, SBA business plans and pitch decks to even immigration visa business plans and grants. They offer industry specific plans as well.

Their investor business plans build an attractive story that never fails to attract funding from the right sources. This is because the Plan Writers’ team ( hails from an investor and entrepreneurial background themselves. Even when framing the plan, they think like an investor and focus not just on the opportunity and potential but also the risks and rewards. While highlighting the growth prospects and profitability on one hand, they also focus on how the business will face the challenges and mitigate the risks.

What’s more, the investor business plan is presented in a layman’s language
without an overdose of technical terms that can get confusing or ambiguous. The pitch sounds possible and believable too.

Such a clear and well-rounded picture is sure to convince investors to invest their precious dollars in the proposed venture and watch them translate into sound returns. And the entrepreneurs will be more than elated as the funding rolls in!

Monday, 11 July 2016

Professional Assistance for Immigrant Investors

Over the last year, I have been considering expanding my retail business to foreign markets. California emerged as a lucrative location and I was keen on tapping this as a foothold into the rest of USA. What drove me particularly was the fact that my substantial investment as a foreign national could make me eligible for a Green Card as well!

However, this required me to present a persuasive business plan to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to get an EB-5 visa. As the local agencies here were not intimately aware of the EB-5 requirements, I went ahead and engaged the U.S.-based Plan Writers for the mammoth task.
And this proved to be the right decision as the business plan consultants developed a compelling business case that demonstrated both the success potential of my business as well as the scope for job creation in the American economy.

My final EB-5 business plan properly described the target markets, business
strategies, comprehensive market analysis and also the required financial data to support my plans. They facilitated the local licenses, permits and taxes and were even willing to help me obtain a signed statement from an economist, but my scale of business did not warrant the same.

Being in the right hands, my immigrant visa was easily granted and we are well on our way to setting up the first outlet very soon!

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Spinning The Business Plan Tale

Writing a business plan is like telling a story….a business story in fact. It starts from an idea, a need, an opportunity or even a gap and why it is important. The tale narrates the vision of the entrepreneur who plans to fill this need, tap the opportunity or bring the idea to fruition.

The journey takes into account the strategies involved, their merits and even explores the possible challenges and drawbacks. It culminates in a wrap-up of how the business will succeed in achieving its goals and fulfill the mission established at the beginning of the story. The moral becomes clear – there is an attractive potential to make substantial profits!

And who can be better at spinning a convincing and compelling business story than former entrepreneurs, bankers and investors themselves. The team at Plan Writers fits the bill on all counts - they excel at pitching the value of a business to the target audience in the most persuasive yet accurate way possible.

This kind of a cohesive professional business plan can make a marked difference to how a business gets launched, shapes up, manages responsibilities and changes and ultimately makes tracks towards success and growth. And investor faith and funds will propel the journey far and beyond.
In sum, right from novice startups to existing businesses, every entrepreneur stands to benefit from the effective planning and in depth research that is a trademark of the Plan Writers.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Who’s Writing My Business Plan?

The Plan Writers has emerged as the go-to place for getting a professional, well-organized and effective business plan. The top-quality customization backed by top dollar research data speaks for itself in terms of value and success.

The proficiency transcends boundaries as the team of writers is well-equipped and willing to meet the diverse goals and requirements of a broad variety of businesses.

This brings us to the question – who is actually writing these illustrious and extraordinary powerful business plans?

Well, The Plan Writers ( cannot be dismissed as mere academic theorists per se. This is a solid team of MBA’s hailing from the University of Southern California. They were former entrepreneurs and investors themselves and thus understand every facet and angle of a business.

Dejected by the rate of failure in startups, the team came together to advise new businesses and assist them in weathering the varied challenges in their path. In due course, they mastered the art of business storytelling that masterfully interweaves traditional models with new-age market trends and more. This ensures that the business can withstand all circumstances and still grow and succeed.

Every writer on the team bears the hallowed business administration credentials which is further backed by at least 5 years professional work experience. They are primed to analyze diverse business ideas, identify their scope and ultimately demonstrate the value in the best possible manner.

So now you know where exactly to head for your professional business plan!

Friday, 13 May 2016

Of Short Business Plans And More!

A few months back a friend and I were planning to start a catering business. She was armed with mouth-watering recipes and years of kitchen experience and I was dead sure that combined with my management and marketing skills, we had a sure winner on our hands.
Very soon, we were completely swamped with managing all the logistics of getting the business on track. At the back of my mind, my management training kept niggling me to write out a clear business plan. But I kept postponing the ‘cumbersome’ task and always had a ready excuse of some urgent matter or the other.
Indeed, the very thought of penning down an elaborate business plan about our goals, resources and other details gave me the shivers. It sounded painful and time consuming and I tried to console myself that I had all the details already mapped out in my head!
However, an old associate kept extolling the virtues of The Plan Writers and I finally decided to give them a try. A single conversation made me sit up and realize that my professionalbusiness plan did not necessarily have to be long winded and elaborate. In fact, this would only make it complex and tedious.
And I knew I had made the right decision, when their custom business plan managed to refine my ideas while highlighting a few unseen challenges and market trends too.
Am I glad for their invaluable assistance today!

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Plan Writing Backed By Top Dollar Data

At The Plan Writers, writing a business plan is never just about recycling standard templates or modifying old plans. The executive team is completely focused on providing customized solutions that highlight the core message of the business in such a way that it hits a chord with the target audience.
To get such winning results, the writers study the market, industry and business in full perspective. They particularly excel at capturing the precise need that the business seeks to fulfill and detail exactly how it will make a difference.
The academic knowledge and hands-on experience of the executive team is always backed up by exhaustive research and data. Indeed, The Plan Writers constantly and unhesitatingly invest in getting exclusive and in-depth data about the market. The facts and figures are relevant and up-to-date that enables the writers to not just put together a winning business plan but also highlight new opportunities, challenges and supportive strategies for the same.
The Plan Writers goes all out to maintain this rich library of latest and significant market information by subscribing to various research papers and updates. This helps them to stay on top of what is happening in the world of business at all times and also be privy to the worst case scenarios even while knowing how to use the information to serve the right purpose.
There’s nothing to stop you from taking advantage of this storehouse of research data for your professional business plan, is there?

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Who Should Be Writing Your Business Plan

The road to a business’s success is paved by a business plan. It maps out the business by clarifying what the business plans to achieve and how it will get there.

Business plans can also serve other varied purposes such as pitching a proposal, convincing investors to invest in the business or even help non-profit organizations to gather grants.

However, not every businessman knows how to write a business plan properly. While the ideas and strategies are clear in your head, there can be a lot of meandering while trying to get it on paper. Some aspects may get overlooked while trivial ones may get unwarranted attention.

This is why it is always better to leave the job to the professionals. Indeed, professional plan writers can do a quicker and better job of drafting a clear and comprehensive business plan.

If you are looking for skilled plan consultants who will capture the full essence and perspective of your business – be it a startup or established one – you need look no further than The Plan Writers.

Backed by a team of former investors and entrepreneurs, the writers possess full experience in every field and industry. They are particularly skilled in creating industry specific plans that are customized to suit the particular requirements and constraints of any specific genre. Additionally, you also get unrestricted access to their rich supply of latest market research subscriptions.

What more can a budding entrepreneur ask for?

Monday, 21 March 2016

Varied Business Plan Offerings Suit All Needs

The Plan Writers is poised to meet the needs of every type of business on the planet. Accordingly, they have designed some custom business plan packages keeping the broad needs of today’s diverse businesses in mind.

Every package has a specific goal in sight and the contents vary accordingly. The concept plan package is a basic teaser plan that serves to merely introduce the business to clients and investors. To make the right first impression, it succinctly covers the competitive landscape, marketing strategy, financial indicators and the broad keys to success. It comes with an attractive cover and design and offers a business plan consulting option at an additional cost.

To complement this, there are bank plans and investor plans as well. While the former targets SBA requirements, the latter is inclined towards communicating the return on investment to potential investors.

These plans cover a lot more ground than the limited scope of teaser plans. The balance sheet, cash flow analysis, break even analysis, ROI analysis, financial assumptions, pro-forma projections and milestones are geared towards making a compelling financial case to the target parties.

Furthermore, entrepreneurs and businessmen can always contact the company directly to discuss their particular project requirements. The skilled team possesses ample experience in every tier and genre of startups and is perfectly geared to deliver constructive business plans that will serve as the pathway to total success!

Monday, 14 March 2016

Business Plans To Suit One And All!

It’s a bygone fact that every kind of business requires a professional business plan to be able to succeed and grow. Although the overall need and benefits of a business plan are the same, every business has its own niche and requires the business plan to be framed accordingly.

And this is why leading professional business plan providers, The Plan Writers craft industry specific plans that are customized to suit the particular mood and aspects of the said genre.

They have covered almost every kind of business in their vast and varied portfolio including even the following:
•    Daycare
•    Health care
•    Restaurant
•    Food truck
•    Bakery
•    Catering
•    Mobile app
•    Non-profit organizations

As former investors and entrepreneurs themselves, the business plan writing team has ample experience in every field and industry. Additionally, they are geared to provide business plans to meet all types of requirements from teaser business plans to SBA and investor business plans as well as pitch decks and even grants for non-profits.

What’s more, they are willing to help qualified candidates get their immigration visas through a detailed and viable business plan!

All you have to do is let them know about your broad business plan, goals and agendas and they will skillfully take it from there backed by deep insight and research. Indeed, every business plan carved by The Plan Writers manages to make a marked difference. Are you game?