Friday, 13 May 2016

Of Short Business Plans And More!

A few months back a friend and I were planning to start a catering business. She was armed with mouth-watering recipes and years of kitchen experience and I was dead sure that combined with my management and marketing skills, we had a sure winner on our hands.
Very soon, we were completely swamped with managing all the logistics of getting the business on track. At the back of my mind, my management training kept niggling me to write out a clear business plan. But I kept postponing the ‘cumbersome’ task and always had a ready excuse of some urgent matter or the other.
Indeed, the very thought of penning down an elaborate business plan about our goals, resources and other details gave me the shivers. It sounded painful and time consuming and I tried to console myself that I had all the details already mapped out in my head!
However, an old associate kept extolling the virtues of The Plan Writers and I finally decided to give them a try. A single conversation made me sit up and realize that my professionalbusiness plan did not necessarily have to be long winded and elaborate. In fact, this would only make it complex and tedious.
And I knew I had made the right decision, when their custom business plan managed to refine my ideas while highlighting a few unseen challenges and market trends too.
Am I glad for their invaluable assistance today!