Thursday, 27 October 2016

Plan Writers Never Shy Away From Revisions

Mr. Campbell had his business clearly mapped out in his mind. He knew his venture could qualify for a SBA business loan and the terms would be very favorable for him. He was aware that he needed a solid business plan that demonstrated the viability of his startup to the US Small Business Administration Agency.

He had even chalked out which business plan consultant to approach. The Plan Writers team suited his requirements on all counts and he was sure that the team would present lucid business strategies, accurate market data and compelling financial projections to support his case.

The Plan Writers team had face-to-face discovery sessions with Mr. Campbell and as expected, they chalked out a persuasive roadmap for his venture. The business plan managed to present a solid case for success, and yet Mr. Campbell was not completely satisfied with one or two points. He requested a revision and being an absolutely customer-centric service provider, Plan Writers readily agreed to a review and revision.

The team in fact met with Mr. Campbell to understand the snags he worried over and further modified the business plan accordingly. The revision was done entirely for free.

Needless to say, the final SBA business plan turned out to be a winning one and the federal agency just could not refuse to grant the cost-effective loan!

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

A Sound Business Plan Is Always Crucial

A business plan works on several levels! Articulating your mission on paper will keep you focused on what you have set out to achieve. It also brings clarity to how you propose to pull off the venture and attain your goals. You can clearly spell out your parameters for success and how you will manage to accomplish the same.

Then again, the coherent roadmap complete with projections, milestones, finances, management and other metrics establishes a tangible significance and merit for the business. This coupled with the perceived strengths, identified challenges, gaps, risks and also the planned strategies to overcome the same work to convince investors to provide backing for the startup.

And yet, the value of a business plan extends much beyond just startups. An established business will also face key junctures from time to time when communicating the vision and strategies becomes essential. This could be when you are considering an expansion or need funding and convincing cautious investors or stubborn banks is the only way out. A sound business plan can also clarify the goals and procedures to existing personnel and give a heads-up in successful employee recruitment.

Given the enormous significance of a business plan, it is no wonder that top-quality business plan consulting services such as the Plan Writers ( play a crucial role in the success of both startups and regular businesses! The skilled and experienced team excels at crafting out winning business plans that never fail to have the right impact.